
Alternative Investment Fund Manager

Long term capital growth. Read more


Tanglin SARL is a Luxembourg Alternative Investment Fund Manager under the registration process with CSSF under the article 3, (2) a of the AIFM Law dated 12 July, 2013, as AIFM de minimis.

Our objective is to manage money of a limited number of wealthy families, which do share common values with us. These values comprise honesty, trust, humility and sustainability.

Our investment focus is on long term capital growth accompanied by a rigorous risk control which aims at protecting against large portfolio draw-downs. We focus on public as well as on private investments. Diversification among different asset classes is key for our investment process.



A major aspect of our investment strategy is valuation.

In public markets, we tend to invest in high quality stocks at valuation levels which leave room for future multiple growth. Quality is defined as consistently high return on investments (ROI) of businesses having a competitive advantage in their sector. When valuations are extreme, we may refrain from investing and hold cash. This principle is equally valuable for bond investments.

In private markets, we focus on profitable companies be it through investment funds or by investing directly. In IT, we may parsimoniously invest in VC companies. Investments in private assets comprise infrastructure funds and private debt.

In real estate, we team up with selected local investment companies or invest through investment funds.



Article 4 of the EU Regulation on Sustainability-Related Disclosures in the Financial Services Sector (Regulation (EU) 2019/2088) (the “SFDR”) provides a framework designed to provide transparency in relation to the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. Financial market participants, such as Tanglin, are required to indicate whether they consider the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. And, if so, to disclose certain related information in accordance with the requirements of the Regulatory Technical Standards (“RTS”) providing a detailed specification for the content, methodology and presentation of the information required to be disclosed.

Tanglin has a strong commitment to active stewardship, including the consideration of ESG issues, in relation to its investments and maintains processes aligned with this commitment across its investment strategies. Further, Tanglin is committed to developing its investment processes to maintain best practices as they evolve across the industry for investment in the asset classes that we invest in.

At the present time, Tanglin does not, when making investment decisions, consider the adverse impacts of decisions on sustainability factors within the meaning of Article 4 of the SFDR as we consider that the information reported to us in relation to investments is often ideologically or factually biased and does not enable us to do so. Tanglin will keep its position in this respect under review as reporting practices develop. We may adopt the Article 4 framework in the future if we consider that to be practical and appropriate to do so, including being able to meet the requirements of the RTS.


About Us

Alain is a Belgian national. After an extended experience of 15 years in the reinsurance business in London and Singapore, he runs his investments from Luxembourg since 2020.


Born in Luxembourg, Henri has a 35 year experience in the Luxembourg banking sector. During his career he was running an investment management company for a Luxembourg bank and managed client assets and structures in a multi-family office.
